• 1 year ago

im toxic b****, i got ruined by that one situationship and +8 years of unconditional surely immature and foolish love, everything was fine -not really but less ruined- until this year. i met this sweetest person in the world and my ex boyfriend in the same place of work. i thought i could move on with that new guy until my ex boyfriend showed up and start getting closer to him noticing the interest i show towards him i felt like everything ive been building my entire battle to repair faded away the moment i met him again and i got traumatized again

, so i used this new person to make sure i still can be loved, and i ended up ghosting him and pushing him away the moment he made it so clear he wanted to be more than friends and then giving him the slightest hope everytime i feel that the spark is fading away between us, just as my ex boyfriend did to me, but now my heart is aching im not sure about my feelings. i get jealous whenever someone tries to get closer to him and stop talking to him for a while for that that sometimes i think i love him but then whenever i meet with my ex boyfriends my heart beats to fast

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