• 1 year ago

I almost got kidnapped in high school. I was walking home from the bus stop when a white van approached me. I didn’t think anything of it at first, so I kept walking. The van started to slow down and I got a little sketched out. However, I continued to keep going and I started to walk on the grass instead of the side of the road. The van came to a complete stop, and this is when I started panicking. I decided to walk in a different direction since there were two roads that eventually led me to my house. The person in the van turned onto the road I changed directions to. The only thing I thought of was to run. I did a quick 180 and bolted for a good 2 minutes. Once I was a good distance away I could still see the van stopped in the area I had run from. I’m pretty sure that if I didn’t run that day that I wouldn’t be here right now… It was a chilling experience to say the least.

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