• 2 years ago

im so sick and tired of people automatically assuming im christian when i reference being religious.
get your abrahamic religion b******* out of my face and let me connect with spirit in peace, your god is not my god. “you’re going to hell!!1!” cool but i don’t believe in hell, that means nothing to me. christianity is one of the stupidest religions because none of its followers practice the “love thy neighbor” thing that’s preached all the time unless you’re also christian and fit their idea of what a christian person should be like. love thy neighbor! unless thy neighbor is homosexual, transgender, poc, pagan, muslim, poor, atheist, has tattoos, has piercings, doesn’t want to convert to christianity etc… that’s one thing i don’t miss about the church, the obligatory converting of others. i remember having to take jesus pamphlets to school in 4th grade and being told to pass them out to my classmates. feels real gross looking back on it

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