• 2 years ago

its not a matter of wanting an old man for money. when you have been abused by dirty old men, and no young men ever gave you the time of day then its like you don’t feel good enough for the ones your own age. If men don’t put in the work hard enough for me by doing all the right things like asking me out and not fighting over me and do the nice things then how can any woman see them as worth while. I never see men flirting with me ever. they never tried to ask me out or be romantic or sweet. so its their own fault. if they reject my flirting first and accuse me of bothering them and they find me so ugly they would rather be gay then it would be silly of me to pursue them further.

Men need to learn that women want a man who shows honesty and care right away and not afraid to show it.

men are so lasy and make up all the excuses not to like an ugly girl and will come out and say it in fear of looking bad.

but when men don’t give sweet gestures and nice care you soon turn your back on them.

i have to say the sweetest thing a guy ever did for me one time I was so afraid he held my hand under the table so tightly so others could not see and its like he knew i needed support and he made a point of sitting next to me to show it and that ment so much to me. but then all the girls kept him away from me so i never got to see him ever again.

but if men are not in tuned to what a womans wants to be romanced and get affection in a loving way and like my sisters husband loved her being with her and taking her to the hospital, and she made him wait til a few months into the relationship for s** even though she had had other boyfriends and they slept together in the same bed a few months before they had s** , that is a good guy if you ask me who is willing to do intimate s***** things and give you time when your ready for s***** i**********. but men today do not know how to show any love or wait for a woman and give her heart and love and affection. he fussed after her at the hospital when she was sick and no man has ever done that for me ever.

they never hug me, they never touch me gentley. all they do is push and pull and want to r*** and g**** and bash and act violent or verbally insult me and then expect love. or they write or say a heap of fake love crap and then make out they care and then back track , come on and then attack and then say you are a bother to them, never do one thing to live up to it a thing they promise to. then you get the message they are not genuine and full of lies and dirty games. men lack so much now. I expect a man to give me the good stuff and more.

like my sisters first boyfriend gave her a flower and a note of love and they had been knowning each other a while in a course and he asked my dad if he could date her and go steady. if a man does that he is worth holding on to if you ask me.

I expect a man to love me, and I was told at the church that as well . so I am not a s*** for money and I would prefer a young man but they don’t do what I expect them to do.

its like their mother or father never taught them how to charm and courtship a woman and be honest. No one has schooled men on how to be a real man anymore.

if that makes me a s*** then your in a dirty world of hurt and fake love. cuz you are not my type of woman who expects a man to get on his knees for her.

and having been abused and assaulted I would never tolerate it ever again. being raped by a creepy ugly old man of 40 who was married and had kids and he was fat, boring, uneducated like me, lacked manners and class, lacked integrity and the thought it was his right to madly thrust and slam me like a yakk for 10 -16 hours and that is very dangerous to the nervous system and I did have a stroke and MRI’s show it. so save your childish games for a weaker woman then me.

men need to learn if you don’t act nice you get nothing back from a woman.

I don’t want and old man. I have never had a young mans gentle touch to know what its like.

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