• 2 years ago

More than MILLIONS of innocent people who died because of the psychopathy and retardation of the chinese, many more are forever grieving over having lost their loved ones plus the billions of animals that are getting tortured to death in China all the time despite the world’s warnings to those ugly piss skin chinese to stop. More than 97 percent of all fatal diseases worldwide were made and exported by the chinese. The chinese have the highest percentage of pedophilia, schizophrenia, down syndrome, retardation, s*****, etc. BOYCOTT CHINA, DEPORT THE CHINESE BACK TO SHITHOLE CHINA AND THEN NUKE CHINA and DO WHATEVER YOU WANT TO THE FUGLY DISGUSTING CHINESE TERRORISTS THAT WILL KILL THEM DEAD AND GONE FOREVER!!! #So happy that many chinese dropped dead so far with their own virus. EZ and FAIR and KARMIC

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