• 2 years ago

Over 2 years ago I did something illegal on a social/gaming platform. I was enough of an idiot to share actual illegal content (the content you go to jail for) with someone. The problem is not who I shared this with, the problem is that the actual system seems to have detected what I did despite deleting eveything afterwards. I got banned from there and then I found out what I did gets reported to a certain entity in the US, which then tells the local authorities of the country where the situation happened, thus leading to a house raid and you getting arrested.

To this day, I have not had peace, some days are ok-ish, but I have deep depressions and emotional crisis often due to this. I feel some day everything I know could end and also, destroying my family in the process. To be honest, I have no idea how nothing has happened yet, I don’t know if I am still under investigation or if it ended and lead up to nothing, which doesn’t make sense because I totally got reported. Yes, could be that the investigatio hasn’t started as of yet, but after 2 years and 8 freaking months I doubt they haven’t done so already. I know this type of stuff can be slow sometimes, but not that slow.

My advice to anyone reading this is that never do anything illegal no matter how much pleasure you could get or how much money it can give you. Don’t use the DeepWeb or Tor or anything like that, don’t pervert yourself, it can destroy you morally, emotionally and legally. I lost a lot of peace in my life because I was an idiot and for some reason beyond me I decided to share illegal content on an open platform with no sort of protection (VPN and the sort). Maybe this was a call of the Universe, God or whatever for me to finally change my ways and my life, I just hope jail isn’t my end.

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