• 2 years ago

Our grandma had her house broken into on her vacation to California her place was trashed and s*** was broken into pieces pictures tvs you name it broken to nothing our whole family was pissed and upset about it where we pretty much blamed our aunt that is a vagrant pretty much she’s homeless and a needle user known for robbery and stuff like that but we do t talk to her when she comes around nor do we answer the door when she knocks so the blame was on her due to her reputation it started a enormous fight which causes a split between everyone to the point no one talks to each other anymore. Now my family doesn’t realize that I was the one who did that to my grandmas house ! That night it happened I was super drunk and fucked up on some weed and pills strolling by her house after I got some head from a old girlfriend nearby I though she was home so I pounded on the door and yelled granny let me in to no reply so I snuck in the back door through her laundry room window finally I was inside and I sat down on her living room chair and I sat there for a couple of hours getting fucked up and smoking some pcp I picked up and did a sheet of acid in about 40 minutes or so I started getting loopy from all the s*** I was taking I blacked out and woke up in on her hallway floor with bloody hands and knuckles from punching holes in walls breaking dishes and pictures even p****** on the floor I came to in the morning I realized what I did and got the f*** out of there man no one suspected a thing due to my job and staying at my girls house no one though a thing ! Long story short my granny comes back and has a fit from hell and calls everyone in the fam going ape s*** ! That was 8 years ago and I never said s*** about that ! F*** even my aunt died that got blamed for it all this time it was me lol

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