• 2 years ago

Joe Biden explains why he is bringing in a a “constant” and “unrelenting” stream of immigration. See the video of Biden for yourself.

Biden boasts he will deliberately bring in a “constant” and “unrelenting” stream of immigration — to replace White people in America and those with white European heritage.
Biden is a anti-White racist and he boasts that he is a Zionist upholding the Kalergi Plan.

The Zionists will keep their race pure while under the Kalergi Plan they will inter-breed ALL races into a mud colored low IQ race. Zionists determined blacks have a low IQ and breeding them with Asians and whites will result in a lower IQ offspring.

Biden starts speaking at 1:31 in the video.
Link: ht tps://ww w.youtube.c om/watch?v=Z_0iFBJPWoY

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