I thought I was going to

  • 10 years ago

I thought I was going to do okay this semester. I have hard time in school since my mom passed away in January. My family fights over the stuff she left. So taking a break is out. I’m looking at my grades online and I failed more than half my classes. An advisor and a friend recommended that I change majors. I feel like if I change my major I’m a quitter but if I keep going like this I maybe forced out of school. I don’t know what to do.

All Comments

  • Changing majors is not quitting. It is just doing what is necessary to go on in your situation.

    Anonymous December 20, 2013 8:12 pm Reply
  • After school, go to your teachers. Get everything done. Work hard so when you’re rich you can do anything and everything you want. Let this be your goal in life.

    Anonymous December 20, 2013 9:59 pm Reply
  • I was in a similar situation back in the aughts. Failing half of my classes or more, risking academic suspension. I was severely depressed as both a cause and a reaction to all this, and when it was suggested by a school counselor that I switch into another liberal arts degree instead of my comp. sci degree because my grades in history classes were good, I just shrugged and said ok.

    I graduated in history. Maybe I couldn’t have graduated if I was stuck in comp.sci., maybe I would have failed out of the university entirely with nothing to show for it. Maybe I could have got my depression under control and get my grades under control and graduate with a CS degree from what was a pretty well-regarded college. It wasn’t an MBA from Harvard, but it would have meant that the sorts of careers, the sorts of jobs that would have been open to me are immense. There are no jobs available for history graduates. Instead of getting a 80k position right out of college from some Silicon Valley firm, I got to move back in with my parents. Any work since then have been temporary low pay service jobs.

    Every day, every single day, I think about that choice I made, or that choice that was made for me. I’ve got bigger regrets about relationships, but for single acts, I regret nothing more in my life than having given in and switched my major.

    Anonymous January 4, 2014 10:34 am Reply

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