• 4 years ago

Me too: When a person goes before a judge and jury and is found guilty and convicted and sent to prison, he or she can ask for the Legal documentation of their trial to be made available to them in prison, which may, or may not be allowed, by the Superintendent of the prison, where they are being held and the felon must give due cause, for that documentation to be made available to them, by that Superintendent.

Criminal Injuries Compensation have a ruling from a Judge that all documentation from the victim must go through the Criminal Compensation Commission and forwarded on to the felon and vice versa, so the victim is the first party, CIC are the second party and the felon is the third party.
When the felon writes to the victim, he is the first party, CIC are the second party and the victim is the third party.

If the felon wishes to use any of the documentation he receives from his victim to overturn his conviction, he cannot use that third party documentation, because the above Judge has ruled that it is inadmissible in any Court Of Law and will be removed from any legal action the felon might choose to seek, thus the felon must complete his sentence, at the finding of the Court at his Trial and any evidence from his victim, after he is convicted, is automatically null and void and cannot be used to overturn his conviction.

So “if” a victim commits 100% Perjury at Trial by name, identity, status, circumstances and accusations and anything else said under oath, the convicted felon is bound by the way in which his Barrister conducted his Trial and the outcome of that trial and the sentence imposed, cannot be overturned.

Which begs the questions:

Why was it necessary for a Judge to make the above ruling, that third party evidence cannot be used in any Court Of Law?
How many “convicted felons” actually are “ not Guilty of anything”, where Compensation is concerned?

How many of the accused, have been convicted and imprisoned at Trial, who should never have been, as later written evidence from the victim, showed?

How much is paid in Compensation to the victim and how are those sums achieved?

Why is the “victim” rewarded and allowed to get away with what must be “the perfect crime” unpunished, for what must also be 100% Fraud, for the large sums of money paid to them?

What message does this send to the Community, about how Compensation payments can be achieved?

In your opinion, is this right?

How would you feel about being convicted and imprisoned for a crime which your victim later says never occurred, or they concealed their true identity, to achieve a better payout, when “what they say” under Oath, is what your Trial and conviction is based on.

Does it happen frequently – well if it did not, why was it necessary to have that Judge’s Ruling in the first place?

Why is Compensation paid to anyone who declares themselves to be a victim, as an incentive to bring charges against the accused, in the first place?

What incentive then for victims to make accusations if Compensation is no longer paid out?

When you see any conviction, always ask how much was paid out in Compensation to the victim, before you pass judgment on the accused, as this one day, could very easily be you, who is accused, for the Compensation payout made against you, irrespective of the time in prison you must serve, as a result of your conviction.

When you are interviewed and charged by the police, the only way that those charges can be defeated is through a Trial in a Court of Law where you are innocent until proven Guilty, where your Guilt has to be established beyond reasonable doubt and not your innocence.

99% of men get found Guilty.
85% of women are found Guilty.
Last time I checked on Court statistics.
Would you bet your life on a horse race where the horse had a 99% chance of losing the race?
Would you bet your life on a horse race where the horse had an 85% chance of losing the race?
Welcome to Trial by Judge or Jury!!

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