• 4 years ago

Damn, you got really salty when that chick called herself pretty and said she wishes she was known for more than that. Beauty isn’t that great. Personality matters more. Being pretty can be a problem if it’s the only thing you have. Looks fade. People tell me I’m pretty often. Doesn’t mean I’m happy. Doesn’t mean that people actually like being around me. People use you easily. You’re regarded as an object. That person who was crying about her beauty was actually justified in it. She just wanted to feel like she mattered. But your a** got salty, because you’re under the false impression that beauty is incredibly important. It’s not. I would rather be funny and interesting. I would rather have a good personality. No one is truly loved for their face or body. They’re lusted after. There is a world of difference and if anyone aspires to be w*** off material they need extensive therapy. Beauty is truly unimportant unless you’re superficial.

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