• 4 years ago

To the person who wrote “ All i do is lie. In fact, I may be a pathological liar. I don’t know. Do I crave attention? Do I seek validation? Do I want to be “Cool?” Why do I do it and why can’t I stop> I’m tired. I have made up an entire person as a lie. I am lying to the person I love the most in the world. Why do I hurt her? Why do I hurt someone who means everything to me? How could I do something like that? What is wrong of me? I want to make it stop. “ I’ve been reading this over and over again ever since i saw it. I’m struggling with the same problem as you and I f****** hate it. It feels like my whole character is a lie. Everything I say is a lie. I lost the person I loved most because of my lies. But, I’m really glad you said this. It means there’s someone like me out there who is having the same problem. I hope in the future we can both change and be more honest in our lives. If you see this, thank you anon

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