• 4 years ago

At best people just don’t care, at their worst like you they just want to hurt you . You can put on an act for everyone else but I see through who you really are and I know how much pleasure you get out of it. Hurting others when I think about it I just wanna throw up again but I guess it was something I needed to know so thank you. I just keep looking for good, for humanity that just isn’t there 🙁 It makes me sad really I don’t even know what to say but if you would go to this extent simply to avoid having to get a phone from call from me I just yeah you win I give up. I mean what kind of a sick fucker threatens to cut you into pieces or burn your corpse simply because you wanted to be their friend or talk to them Once in a while . I believe you want to you don’t even know the definition of a limit…I mean this is s*** out of horror movies you weren’t even human. What’s even sick or is that your proud of that. Anyway I’m gonna go about my day but if I think about this I’m going to get sick again

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