• 4 years ago

To: Alcoholism is bad s***. One of the worst addictions.
Me: Agreed.
I used to pinch my father’s Woodbine cigarettes and smoke them on top of the garden shed, where I could not be seen.
This day, when I was 12 or 13, I smoked 4 or 5 Woodbine cigarettes, went green and was horribly sick into the toilet (my parents were out) and I’ve never smoked a cigarette since.
When I first started work in London, many years ago, I went out with a workmate to the local pub for lunch.
I have been a teetotaler all of my life and never smoked either.
Why kiss a smoker when you can lick an ashtray?
I had a food lunch and he had a liquid lunch and he swayed drunkenly along the footpath, back to work, smoking his f**’s and stinking like a brewery and he was half smashed until knock off time at 5.30 pm when he went back to the pub and I looked at him and I thought, no way. Not for me at all. His name was Don Tipper.
I lived in a Seniors Complex (State Housing for poor people, who would otherwise be living on the streets) for 11 years (8 years ago) and people died off like flies there, from drinking alcohol and their livers just gave up, eventually. from smoking, or smoking and drinking and with very, very, few exceptions, alcoholics and smokers lasted to between 55 – 65 and alcoholics who smoked 55 – 60.
An elephant’s Graveyard and often I felt like someone had walked over my grave, when someone else died, unexpectedly.
What saddens me is that few of these people made anything older than 65, although they were all on pensions for one illness or another, as their bodies slowly died from the abuse, from drinking and smoking and diabetes as a result of the previous 2.
If you drink and your skin goes yellow, get to hospital immediately as this means your liver has stopped functioning and the poison you pour into your mouth is going striaght into your body unfiltered by your liver and it is quickly killing you, like a slow bullet to your brain.
What bothers me most is that we won the lottery of life, to be born at all, at roughly 1 billion to the 1 sperm, that made you and me.
We have the opportunity to do much with our lives and live to a ripe old age, yet many of you die from alcohol and smoking abuse, irrespective of male or female, you waste tons of money spent drinking like fishes and/or smoking like chimneys and few make it past 65, or in good health, bearing in mind we are a long time dead.
We won’t be coming back again, because our sperm, the one that made you and me, won’t be ejected, ever again, once we are born, to make you or me again, from our parents having s**, because that is totally impossible once they are too old to conceive, or when they are dead, like mine have been for years. Right?
Forget the Bible and the Religious argument.
Religion has placed itself between living and death, which the church clergy impose on the living, about the death which awaits them.
The neatest confidence trick in the book and the best money swindle ever and not taxed at all and just for the gullible.
It helps I’ve been an Aethist from an early age.
Don’t you just love it?
Best Wishes………..

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