• 5 years ago

I always wonder what girl and women think when I’m staring at their feet while I’m walking by. Saw the most gorgeous pair of feet on a reasonably attract 20 something with natural toes and flip flops but dressed sort of bummy. She was clean but flip flops, track pants, t shirt long pony tail and I could have an excuse trying not to run her toes over with my 2 wheeled cart, but I’m staring down walking by, and I’m not exaggerating or lying I am a pretty good looking middle aged guy. 20 something girls do look at me and think “he’s old…. but he’s good looking… I’m confused…” I think I sometimes confuse them, but yeah. They would never touch a 45 year old man, but I make them think. They get to know me and they like me more, then it’s “old dogs are cute too…” until some jealous c*** blocker maybe a kid in his mid 20’s, 20 years younger than me does or says something and kills it for me of course. But this girl today, I stared a few times walking by each other and the second time, I kept watching as I walked by and she kind of held the sole of her foot, on her toes, taking a step. I then walked in and she was standing to my left looking at me while I talked to someone else. Just standing there and I didn’t push it by looking again, I already had a few good looks but I always wonder what they think. 20 years ago, before the internet not many women would suspect a f**********. I knew that back then and I would look and stare thinking “they have no idea I love her feet. She won’t suspect a thing. They’re just feet” nowadays though we have the internet and it turns out it’s pretty common… buy I think I’m a pretty good looking enough guy, it would make it less creepy. I think it rt of eliminates the “ew that creep has a f**********….” factor, it softens the blow but I just wonder if she knew and what she or they think about it, because I always look and stare like that. I don’t care, and if you don’t like it, don’t wear open shoes. I’m just looking.

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