• 5 years ago

My first encounter of a remotely s***** nature happened in kindergarten. I couldnt have been more than 5 or 6 years old. During class I sat at a table next to a kid named Jesse. He whispered in my ear and asked me if i wanted to do something that felt good. Naturally being a child and curious I said yes. He then stuck his hand down the front of my pants, not into my underwear but outside of it. He just rubbed me, and told me I had to do the same. I became nervous and uncomfortable, understandably confused for a kid my age. I had hesitations, but he talked me into it, saying everything was going to be okay and that it was only fair, so I did (again in front of the underwear). After a bit I took my hand out of his pants, feeling terrible. We didnt talk about it after that. I felt guilty about it so I never mentioned it to anyone. At least for a few years. Flash forward to me being like 9 or 10. I had a huge guilty conscience, so one night my parents were tucking me into bed and I began crying. I confessed to them what had happened. I was terrified they would hate me because of course they told me about my private spots where nobody was allowed to touch, and I let it happen. The consoled me and asked me who it was. Well I couldnt remember the kids last name because he had long since switched schools and I told them I didnt want to get him in trouble. I never talked about it again, and my parents never brought it back up. It doesnt horrify me or plauge my thoughts. I do think about it from time to time though, and now that im older I am wondering if this could have been s***** assault? Was I s******* assaulted? Can children in kindergarten even s******* assault each other? What scares me the most is how he knew about it. I knew nothing about s** when I was that age, I didnt even explore my own body at that age. It made me think that he could have been s******* abused as a kid. Does anyone have any answers in terms of if that counts as s***** assault?

All Comments

  • He probably was just curious. I started to explore my body sexually at the age of 3 to 4. I colored my little vaginal area at the age of 3 with markers and I must have hit my clit while rubbing myself with markers and it felt so good that I had to try from then on to put other things down there. I was never sexually abused. I specifically remember in 1st grade another girl and I looking at each other down there, so no I don’t think you were sexually assaulted.

    Anonymous February 14, 2019 2:30 am Reply
  • You weren’t assaulted. The kid just wanted to see who had the bigger hard dick.

    Anonymous February 14, 2019 2:37 am Reply
    • don’t care how big I would love to feel it too mmmmmmmmmmmmm suck it

      Anonymous February 18, 2019 3:35 pm Reply
  • Kids do that some times. When I was 6 and in kindergarten, I licked a girl’s vagina, then her friend came to me and I licked hers too. I can remember when I was 7, I climbed a lot of polls and ropes because it felt so good an my penis. Recently I was talking to my neighbor and she was telling me about the neck & back massager she has and how she had to hide it from her 6 year old daughter because she caught her putting it against her vagina a few times. She was also telling me about how another girl in her class would finger her self when she wore shorts. Kids some times start very early. It really is just human nature. Don’t feel bad, it is just like that

    Anonymous February 14, 2019 2:29 pm Reply
    • love to watch them doing it

      Anonymous February 17, 2019 11:06 am Reply
  • What are we doing to children to make them feel such shame about their natural curiosity concerning the human body. Of course children explore. Of course children touch themselves and each other. It’s how they experience the world at that age – natural curiosity about how everything looks, tastes, feels, smells. When we teach them that curiosity is shameful, we fail them.

    Anonymous February 14, 2019 3:35 pm Reply

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