• 5 years ago

Ever since since prom, ive liked being fucked by unprotected dongs. Well, sure enough I got crabs. I got one so big on my c*** that you could have boiled it and seasoned it with some spice and had yourself a hell of a meal. I contracted those crabs from the prom king. He fucked me in the limo after he accepted his award. He told me he wanted to fill my slot with unprotected c***, that way he could give me his crabs. I thought he was goofing around, but he was dead serious and loving every minute of it. Within a week, crabs had infested my c***. Every inch of my fuckbucket was covered with those nasty little vermin entitled crabs. Sometimes they would bite my c*** and it would feel great, but most of the time it was horrible and made me feel inferior. I didnt know how to get rid of them and I didnt have health insurance so I lived with them for 10 years and 3 days. I tried sitting in tomato juice but I heard later that was used for getting rid of skunk stench. So I figured if you cant beat em, join em. I named every single crab that had moved onto the surface of my s*****. As far as I could feel, there was 20. Raymond, Lupe, Bobby, Ernest, Dixie, Lawrence, Shirley, Steve, Alejandro, and Neche. Eventually, after I had saved up some cash, I turned my attention to a doctor, who helped me kill the crabs. At the time I was happy to be free from their constant biting, but then became suicidal because I had killed my friends that had been by my side for 10 years. Even when I would go out for a weekend of unprotected f******, they wouldnt leave me. They believed in me. Not one of the peters that pulverized my p**** during my 10 years of crab infestation contracted them. They stuck by my p******* through thick and thin, and I feel deeply in love with them and they loved me. At night, I command them to bite my c******* while I plugged my urine hole with a home pregnancy test. They wouldnt stop biting until all the tartar sauce had evacuated my twitty t***. They were my lovers, and I destroyed their sweet hearts. Volley ball took away the depression of the crab killing, and that is the real reason that im forever grateful for the game. I was this close to bringing the curtain down. So you want to know what the word ‘crab’ means to me? It means love of a lifetime. I hope before I die that another crab carrying c*** will dose me up good with a good dosage of crabs, so I can know once again what it feels like.

All Comments

  • All you need to do is sprinkle some Old Bay in your panties like powder and they’ll come scuttling to you

    Anonymous January 19, 2019 8:25 am Reply
  • This is so weird, yet so good.

    Anonymous January 19, 2019 3:30 pm Reply
  • You and the alligator throwing lady should link up

    Anonymous January 19, 2019 3:40 pm Reply
  • I wanna revive this

    Anonymous March 10, 2019 9:31 pm Reply

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