• 5 years ago

Just wanted to let young people posting their troubles on this board – as you get older, it gets worse. The anxiety, the feelings of utter isolation and no hope for a future without loneliness, obscurity, no one caring if you come or go, are happy or sad, live or die – they increase. Except when your parents are finally dead there is no one to just call and say hi. And your body starts to hurt for no reason, add that to the mix. And then you go grey and your face starts to sag and your teeth come loose and people REALLY don’t see you or want to talk to you except other lonely old men. And then one day your neighbor smells something and calls the cops and they find you on the floor or in the chair because you couldn’t take it and you hanged yourself or shot yourself or took a bunch of pills and booze. They take your stiff body away and a bunch of strangers paw through your stuff and most of it gets thrown away. And you get taken to a morgue and no one claims your body and finally they bury you somewhere, and the world keeps on going, and another person was born, lived and died without making a single difference to the world. Think of this before you have children, ok? 🙂

All Comments

  • Oh! And eventually your dick quits, too, and is only good for peeing. So there’s that.

    Anonymous December 4, 2018 2:31 pm Reply
  • Yeah all of that is true. That’s exactly why I never use condoms and I have insisted all my former girlfriends get off birth control

    Because accidental pregnancy is the only way to go forward for most people

    PS all of what he said is true – but being a dad is great so if you haven’t had kids yet, go get someone pregnant!

    Anonymous December 4, 2018 3:02 pm Reply
    • this makes no sense

      Anonymous December 4, 2018 3:13 pm Reply
  • And all of this because the original poster can’t get laid and is a frustrated, depressed fart who doesn’t have the balls to kill himself.

    Keep suffering, buddy. I’m clapping.

    Anonymous December 4, 2018 6:16 pm Reply

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