• 6 years ago

I lost my virginity when I was 36. To back up, yes, of course I was molested as a child and grew up untrusting and terrified of s**. I was agoraphobic as a young adult and then when I finally went out and got a job, I figured I’d find someone. I didn’t. So, about 3 months before I turned 36, I posted an ad on Craigslist saying that I was 35, 300 lbs, and wanted to lose my virginity. I got 200 offers in two days. My post was flagged twice and after the second time, I let it stay closed. I was so overwhelmed by all of the responses that I put them in a folder in an email account I created for that, and forgot about them. Then, just after my 36th birthday, I ran into this dude I sort of knew at a thing and we hung out and then went back to his place.

I didn’t want to tell him but I was so freaked out that he would have known something was up, so I did tell him and he was very nice about it and we had s**. It wasn’t great but it took a long time and I didn’t o***** but he did — eventually. It had been a long time for him and he wasn’t sure if he even could, so I felt pretty accomplished. We had s** a few more times and then things got weird and I realized that even though I didn’t really care about him as a romantic partner, I also couldn’t divorce myself from having messy emotions about the whole situation.

So I went back to Craigslist and this time I found a stranger and this experience was even worse than the guy I at least liked as a person. That was about 2.5 years ago and I haven’t had s** since. I’ve still never really been on a date date (although the guy I lost my virginity to took me out to eat a bunch and once to a Mexican wrestling thing). I’ve never kissed a guy I was in love with, and I’ve never told a guy that I loved that I loved him, although I’m actually really grateful because I’ve gotten over all of them and having told them how I felt would be embarrassing now.

I’m probably wrong for not wanting to be vulnerable and not being able to be emotionally or physically intimate with people and I don’t entirely regret having had s** with two different guys that I didn’t care about but I kind of do. I at least wish I’d enjoyed it more. Or that I hadn’t been pushed into it by some sense that it wasn’t normal to want to wait until I fell for a guy who fell for me and let it happen naturally. I got some things out of the experience but honestly, I think that I might have been happier to die a 100-year-old virgin. (Not happy, just happi-ER.)

What I did learn is that I am capable of a ton of non-romantic love and I am smart and cool and funny and none of those things are a reflection of or reflected by the fact that I didn’t enjoy having s** with guys I didn’t know that well and didn’t love.

I just turned 40 and I still hope that I’ll find a match for me but I am also okay with the idea that I might not. Like, genuinely okay. This is always a place I wanted to get to because I thought that if I did, I would finally be able to attract The One. But now, even though it would be nice to find a match (I don’t believe in The One anymore), I don’t need it. I’m like, at the top of the mountain, alone, and it would be cool to share the view with someone I love with my whole heart who feels the same about me but the view doesn’t change even if no one is sitting beside me, you know? It’s still beautiful.

I actually like me better when I’m alone than when I’m around other people, so I don’t even know if it’s possible for me to be with anyone else and feel wholly secure and loved.

Anyway, I just wanted to put it out there that s** without feelings is dumb if you’re doing it because you think you should. And having s** with feelings is dumb if you’re doing that because you think you should. Do what you want. You’re the only person in the world you can’t escape from.

All Comments

  • I was never molested but I was beaten and terrorized. As a result I grew up with no desire to trust anyone enough to be vulnerable to them. I’m almost 30, a virgin, never been kissed. I don’t see that changing. I couldn’t do what you did because I’d end up punishing myself.

    Anonymous October 14, 2018 4:26 am Reply
    • Here’s the thing: nobody makes the rules for you. There are no rules. We try to pretend that there are rules so that we can create this illusion of safety but they’re just constructs. So you don’t HAVE to trust anyone. You don’t HAVE to be vulnerable if you don’t want to be.

      That said, I used to punish myself all the time and I have learned to just be nice to myself. I still have my bad days but I realized that I am my lifelong companion and I want the person I’m around 100% of the time to be nice to me. Being cruel to myself has never made me tough enough to face the even crueler world. It’s just made me too tired and sore to fight back properly. Or it’s made me stay in survival mode so that I’m fighting all of the time even when I don’t need to be.

      It wasn’t until the past few years that I learned that most people aren’t like my family. Most people won’t hurt me if given the chance. And if they do hurt me, they’ll feel bad about it and try not to do it again. I still have a lot of issues with anxiety but not as many. Most of them are just habit — then again, there ARE some terrible people in the world, so there’s still plenty to be anxious about. Just not as much as I used to think there was.

      Anonymous October 14, 2018 4:51 am Reply
  • Your story has really touched me. I’m so sorry you’re going through this. But sometimes, life just goes the way it does and only you can make it better <3 stay strong. Lots of love x

    Anonymous October 14, 2018 6:12 am Reply

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