
  • 14 years ago

Yesterday I got one of my random angry outburst while on my dads laptop. my mom and my sister were also downstairs, I was getting pretty mad because they kept on nagging me about something while I was playing bookworm (lol) so, I randomly threw the mouse at the screen (stupid) (don’t judge), it felt good. but then I realized that the lcd had just been cracked. the colors were all funky and there was a b******** line across the screen, I could no longer see anything on the screen. I said, “OH , NO”. “uh,what the heck happened”. Like I didn’t have a clue what just happened. my mom said, ” how this happen, I said “I don’t know”. “maybe, it cracked when I was coming down stairs”, or that is was probably already cracked and just got worst while I was on the thing. she believed me. my sister questioned me, I was to good of a liar, so she believed me to (kinda). eventually my mom called my dad who was on a business trip in Kansas about what happened. I told him the same story. he said he isn’t mad and that ill have to pay to replace the screen. HE WASN’T MAD! The only reason I lied was because I knew he would get mad, and I have screwed up recently in the past so bad that I didn’t wont to get into anymore trouble or make my parents more mad, the truth is I had one of my stupid uncontrolled anger things happen, and they don’t like when I break things out of anger, so I lied. I know this doesn’t sound that bad, but all my lies have caught up with me and this is just bothering me. I feel so bad

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  • I understand what you’re feeling. Lies are just horrible things that creep up on you when you least expect it. They end up haunting you because you always have to be on your tip toes to make sure you stick with the same story. It’s really nerve racking.
    You’re parents have a right to worry about your anger issues. It seams your used to just breaking up stuff or going on a rage when you get mad. That could be dangerous. Although I don’t know to what extent your anger rages. Have you tried techniques to help you calm down before you break things or hurt someone? Get someone who is professional that can tell you what techniques to do so you don’t end up hurting yourself or the people around you.
    About the lie, you said it out loud here, so your guilt is enough to excuse you. Just try to teach yourself to face the fireworks rather than lie.

    Anonymous December 10, 2009 10:12 am Reply

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