I was texting and driving when

  • 11 years ago

I was texting and driving when this woman cut me off with her scooter. It was mostly her fault my car hit her scooter, but I hadnt been texting I probably would have been able to break in time to avoid the colision. Now she has a fractured tailbone. I told no one I was on my phone because I was afraid of the consequences, and because frankly I do it all the time. The more time passes, the worse I feel because it makes me feel part guilty, and Im not taking any blame for this, she is taking all the blame. But im fine, and shes got a fractured tailbone. The guilt is killing me. I havent been able to share this with anyone, not even my closest friends and therapist, but I had to let it out somehow.

All Comments

  • jump off a bridge then. you just have to live with it and if you can’t help fix the problem live with the problem that you let someone down and you should have been thinking about others as much as yourself. if anything I have learnt in this world. what ever you give up the universe gives back a million fold when you least expect it in amazing ways. it may come in a money winfall or something but when you learn to think of others as much as yourself you feel the rewards of seeing others getting the things you wanted to.

    go talk to a psychologist.

    Anonymous June 6, 2013 8:53 am Reply
  • You should go to the police and report it. Tell your side of the story and hope you don’t get charge. However karma is real so if you choose to keep it to yourself bad karma will be coming your way

    Anonymous June 6, 2013 4:14 pm Reply
  • If revealing the facts of the matter will settle your guilt tell the victim, not the police. Karma is already in motion so revealing it won’t make it any worse and it’s not as if Karma is some mystical “eye for an eye”. If you can;t find a way to tell her, do some extraordinary act of kindness for her and leave it at that.

    Anonymous June 6, 2013 8:42 pm Reply

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