• 7 years ago

when I was younger (won’t admit the age) first time s** was shocking and awful. I was used and abused. he led me to believe I was so ugly only a married fatty footy freak Shrek would like doing me and like I should be grateful. I had such low esteem I believed I couldn’t find someone I really loved that I had to cut the cheese with a loser like him, why do married lazy ugliest think they are helping when they are not helping anyone but their own dirty gratification of dirty s** with a innocent vulnerable naive girl who was making the wrong choices out of fear and panic that everything was too late and not good enough, I trusted all the wrong people out of confusion and frustration from foolish people who were not giving good advice, how I wish I had told people to shove off back then. anyway, he even counted the last of his money in front of me like a clown. he didn’t give good s** and made out he knew it all just cuz he was married with kids and had had heaps of affairs, he even had the fool audacity to pick me up in a clown bozo-bomb old tramps car not good enough for a women like me. he even had the hid to want s** and glued up my v***** and expected me to cry over a 2 compared to my 8 or 9 qualities body and personality. how insulting !

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