kidnapped at the fete Submitted by

  • 11 years ago

kidnapped at the fete

Submitted by a Humble Sinner
two little girls were seated close to the puppet stand with all the children while the mummies and daddies looked on behind at the fair. those delicate useless paper mache toys danced in the wind on display for sale that no one could do anything with… as if mocking the scene of a greek tragedy. YOW, punch and judy was the puppet play and it was a strange august day. I had a little dress on and petite shoes and my red hair could have passed me for a clown mache puppet with dreams of ice-cream and candy floss in my dumbo brain… I sat down scared without my mother, knowing too well that my older sister would betray me and lose me to the crowd as she always has. (my sister had no trouble at all finding our parents but as usual failed to protect me… she will be thinking THANK GOD WE GOT RID OF HER, NOW LETS SKIP HOME HAPPY) dopey-dumbo me!!!! I am 4 freckled with sun kisses and the fairest skin that burns and dopey shy afraid fat brain and clumpsy b** hands. no one likes me because I am ugly and so easily shamed so that I will shake and hide my face to this crazy world… do I look like those dumbo clown heads ? I fit in here at the fair and circus with the freaks (just like SAM N MAX GAME)… my stomach is sick knowing something bad is about to happen and I can not control it. FATE and that FETE
somehow I am pushed and pulled around in a sea of dumb asses, adults bums everywhere and I am bouncing off of them, the kid that bounces off bums just to grab a bit of air and kids calling pushing running kicking stinking rabbling to get back to mums and dads for more sugary s*** to eat. bobbed around like a sea bouy I can not find home or mum and dad or sister… F***… I mean Bother, or shivers!!! in my 4 year old woofee dumbo brain.
looking everywhere and they have vanished like they were aliens or trippen from mars and is this some fucken game? where are they? how big was the crowd and who was watching me? soon I am crying and babbling to myself chocking on my fingers, and then swooped apon by some old villian with a black doctors bag and looking a mean arse Nazi killer… he pushes me off to a near by tent at the back it is quiet and vacant. suddenly sheer bright light turns to darkness in the tent… so hard to see a thing, but all I see is the bench he stands me on in this back tent, as he forces up my dress and down my knickers he tells me to shut up and be quiet and grabs a camera out of his bag that has a rope and spanner and maybe worse a gun or knifes or pills he calls candy to put kids to sleep. I am reeling in tears and he coughing up tears of wounded pride in this dark tent and all I can see is the bench I am standing on and the peak of light on the tent flapping its green and white stripe walls, the flab echos in my mind as does his voice and smell and snearing fake smile, I know his harm, he clicks photos of my “down there no knickers parts” and I do not know what to say or do, I am a statue. he pulls up the pants and grabs for his rope and I think he can hurt me with that. he wants to put it around my throat, gag me with a cloth and hit me. I cry scared. this was supposed to be a fun day at the fair the circus the f****** fete of frenchies tate… then suddenly nothing.
have I collapsed? what has he done to me? did he just buy me a new soul from those French catholics on a secret mission to save my old souls dying arse? cuz I know it happen again when I was 7 when I was electrocuted and then lost memories, always losing f****** memories, b**** dog dumb-ase kid … who can’t f****** speak right look right or f*** right. how much this time will it cost for a new soul to incubate in this kiddy body?
suddenly I am pushed out and back in the crowd a howling like a dog. cry and shock near pissed my pants and chuck, but what I wouldn’t do for a piece of pink candy over there. everything is so bright I loose sight, blinded by the light, I near fall to the ground and look up at the sky as if the last time I ever will but the sun will be with me all day now. crying sore and confused like it was all a dream, UNREAL, I waddle a little to the walking crowd, suddenly a police man he sees me crying like a old elephant with a bung foot… he picks me up and asks me my name I just cry cry cry retarded child “whats my fucken name?” Katharina… I say they all call me Katharina… why am I hear? where is my mummy? fear fear fear threat threat threat all around me, I hold on to this man for grim life. he is kind, he says “we will find your mummy” we look around he says tell me if you see her, what she look like? what she wearing, I can not answer I am so shocked and spooked and dumb mouthed now. DUMB MOUTH DUBMO KID FROM S***!
crying so much he buys an ice-cream to try to keep the peace as all good police men should.
I lick it and it eases the pain for a while.
mummy where is she and why has she left me?
sun so bright in my eyes I am blinded and confused the sun beats down hard on me like that man like everyone always does… dumb-a** 4 year old mug face kid I am, got ya self into a bit more trouble this time ha? YEH!!!! the sun confuses everything like so much time has passed by … like at least an hour, but mum says much less, why does it feel like more then mum?
well I am a clown like that honking idiot on the bike and his silly make up and red goggly weird hair…
so we make our way to the lost and found stand, then I see her … there she is in all her glory my mummy… I jump into her arms and cry some more … I mean THANK GOD I FOUND HER OR WHAT WOULD HAVE BECOME OF ME?
I can never really tell this story to anyone for a long time because it is lost in my memory banks…. but what is that pain I feel in my head,my bladder and belly when ever I think of it ?
its a French mine classic from 1973 -74 waiting to be filmed this dumb dream sequence of pissed out memoirs of a tard no good kid.
I am guilty of: Pride

All Comments

  • these are things the therapist joyce refused to allow me to talk about in so-called therapy, I feel frustrated and deprived a hearing!!! and care!!!! acknowledgment of what I went through etc. as always anything that happens to me that is bad is down played and under rated … why?

    Anonymous October 15, 2013 9:59 am Reply

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