ok so maybe i like u a little…we talked abt stuff and u really got my attention…tc well bye
I’m gonna believe that all landlords are just so fcking bad. I’ve had this chinese m*********** charging me 900 dollars per month with AC on the hottest days. Damn stupid a****** was trying to keep my deposit and announcing stupid a** rules he made like he was a dictator or some s***. Also f*** his wife for telling me to watch the stairs while I had to singlehandeldy move 2 suitcases downstairs. NOW we have this fucked up old single lady never actually cooks and gives me s*** for living there. I can’t brush my teeth in the bathroom I can’t cook between 2-4pm and I can’t just leave my f****** lights on. F*** OFF LANDLORDS YOU DESERVE THE WORST OF HELL. I HOPE ALL OF YOU ASSHOLES GO HOMELESS FOREVER.
Guilt? For what? Did you murder her dog?