14 years

I hate them with all the hate you can hate with. Can you hate more than that? And if you can, I hate them more than that.
I want them to be unhappy, to suffer, I want them to feel ten times the pain they caused me. I wish them nothing but sadness, I hope they burn in hell, I wished them a long painful death, a disease maybe, something that will make them feel half of what they made me feel. I hope he strangle himself with those same hands. I want to see him cry and beg for his life. I want to see him hurt himself the way I did, I want to see him suffer the way I did. I thought I had forgave all the people that hurt me, but I can’t, and how can I?
I feel sick about it, wishing sadness and pain for someone, but that’s just the way it is. They brought that to themselves. And I hope sorrow would eat them alive.

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