14 years

This is not my confession, but I saw it on another site and was dumbfounded. I don’t know how much ya’ll v***** other sites, and thought you’d want to see it. Hell… I’m f-in’ glad it ain’t mine.

“I want to kill. Not from anger or resent, just disaffected curiosity and macabre fascination.

I had a reasonably average childhood, and I’m hardly stupid. It’s not an animalistic urge; I am unaffected by other criminal impulses of the deep brain, and disdain of degrading acts such as r***- coerced, forced, or otherwise.

I am perfectly in control of myself and my actions. i am currently quite bored right now, so i am posting what i would not admit under any circumstances without the veil of anonymity, and am curious as to the base reaction it elicits from the Internet everyman, and how many others share similar inclinations. Therefore, any comments?”


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