14 years

She makes the ride worthwhile.. If i could choose again i’d still choose this relation, i’d still choose her .. I dnt know how it happened, at the begining i was convincing myself that it was a joke.. Bt a joke comes from something serious.. And then we kissed.. I was stressed i ddnt know what is going on i just followed my feelings it was crazy.. She was amazn.. Iwas falling in love.. We had those great moments, those amazn nights.. One problem i hate hiding nd lying, in this case if i want to stay with her i shld do it.. Nd im doin it.. I pass by a lot of depressed days without telln her(i dnt want her to feel guilty or anthn) Sometimes i wish i could give up evrthing, live somwhere else, forget abt the social relations nd do what i really wanna do without triin to please Evryone around me.. Its hard not to hide it, its hard to get out of the closet and show the world the person i love, i dnt think i have the courage to do it.. Sometimes i just wish i can hold her hand and walk in public.. Just to be me.. I dnt want us to be apart but if its goin to happen i know that i will still love her, i dnt thnk i can love another girl like that i dnt thnk another girl is worth it, she is the only one nd she is mine..

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