14 years

Last night you texted me
Are you still up?
As I had many times before
When my grip was slipping
You told me you weren’t okay
That you didn’t believe anymore
I tried to make you remember why you believe
But maybe you never did
And maybe I did the wrong thing
Trying to convince you of anything
While you were hurting that bad
Maybe if I were a better Christian
I could have just offered my love
As proof He exists
At least I talked you through the night
And you felt that you could talk to me
I really do love you
And I really believe God exists
Your argument that you don’t feel Him
Struck a chord in me
I can’t feel Him, either
But believing in God isn’t about what we feel
How could the Ruler of the Universe
Be confined to something that small?
But I will do nothing but love you next time
I promise

New Confession

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