• 4 years ago

Reply to:Coronavirus or any air breathed virus – the cure is so easy, it is silly.

You f****** delusional idiot. Are you an anti vaxxer?
Because this won’t help the f****** corona virus. It’s not a f****** cold! It’s a contagious disease that affects the lungs and colds affect the nose. Also are you the head of medicine? You think you can beat a team of leading doctors? What’s next you know the f****** cure for tinnitus that isnt a shot? What do I do put hot sauce in my dickhole? You are a f****** idiot and I hope NO ONE takes your advice. I bet you did a f****** IQ test and got a 2 and said “YAY ITS A 200” because you cant think properly. Shut up and get off the internet a******.

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