• 4 years ago

Okay so I am a New Zealander who currently attends University. And right now i want to f*** the world and set the entire place on fire. I CANNOT GET A JOB!!!!!! and you’re probs like ‘No s*** lady from what you just said you’re crazy af’ and you would be right i am self admittedly a couple cookies short of a pack but they don’t f****** know that. My university starts in a month and a half i have no job, no way to pay rent, and no way to even survive. Yes i know i dont have experience but jesus can i just have one break. I don’t know how to write a CV or a cover letter but i just really need someone to throw me a bone or im going to legitimately die.

All Comments

  • Ever tried sucking a cock for money? I can get you started.

    Anonymous January 19, 2020 7:37 am Reply
  • A CV is easy enough to do.
    It should not be more than one page in length
    It should give your name and address and telephone number at the top.
    Start off with “Dr Sirs”,
    List all of your school qualifications so far.
    Mention any part time jobs you have had before.
    List the things you can do, like office work, cleaning, clerical work, filing, put down as many as you can think of, separate line each string
    Double space
    You don’t need to have “done” any of the basic jobs you know you can do, just say you have done similar jobs in the past, like that.
    You have to be half way to being intelligent, otherwise you would not be clever enough for University.
    Dress neatly for any interviews and tone down your appearance as much as possible.
    If you are Butch, nobody needs or wants to see that, or how many tattoos you have on your body, some people like them, some don’t – I don’t.
    This is a terrible time to try and get work, because the economy is in a bad shape and there are more people looking for work and not enough jobs to go around.
    What about funding by your Government towards you expenses, some sort of Student Allowance, as a student, which you may or may not have to pay back later on.
    What about your parents, can’t they help you out with accommodation, or financial assistance, in some way.
    You could always advertise on the Social Networks for somewhere to stay, even couch surfing, until you are able to better yourself financially.
    Doesn’t the Students Board or support organisation, provide links to work and cheap accommodation?
    Best Wishes………

    Anonymous January 19, 2020 7:42 am Reply
  • Please dont set the world on fire, your neighbor is having enough trouble with fire already

    Anonymous January 20, 2020 12:51 am Reply

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