14 years

Warning: This is very messed-up & confusing……….I’ve been in a great relationship for a year and 8 months now..but my ex (who was also my first love..we’ll call him K) keeps on getting in the picture..he’s a good friend of my boyfriend (let’s call him L) & it isn’t weird between them..but every time I see K, I start remembering how it was between us & our past together & it messes me up…..I’m not saying I’ll ever leave L or that I’ll ever act upon these memories..but it just kills me. & what’s worse is that K is now dating a girl (call her R) who’s best friends with my ex-best friend (call her H) & now H & R dont want K to talk to me since I’m “the ex” & they’re basically tried to ruin my life…they started this rumor that my best friend (called A) said some stuff about L and we got into a fight and then they tried to ruin my relationship with L & it’s very frustrating!!!!!

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