There’s this guy, whO lives in our compound.
Uh! I dOn’t know hOw to start this because it’s kinda confusing.
Anyway, I really don’t knOw how this started but all I can recall is that sOmeone brought my attentiOn tO his acts and my siblings tOld me that they think that that guy is in love with me! From several things he’ve done.
Ever since they tOld me so, I can’t stOp thinking and wondering if that’s true or nOt!
Although I dOn’t think I like him, he’s not the type of guys I get attracted tO at all, but I do think about him a lot!!!
HOw can I knOw if he loves me Or nOt? Just for the sake of curiOsity, it’s nOt that I like him. But c’mon everyOne dies tO know whO has a crush on her.
AHHHHHH, it sounds non-sense, but I need answers. helppp