12 years

I hope one day will can see I was only trying to revel the truth. i had nothing to do with what happened in 1977. 1978 and 1979 (I was only a little girl) that Russian/Scottish alliance they keep is their big problem. she is so fat and stupid she was happy to see me hung for something I did not do. so typical of that cow. what was her name again. kay ferguson I think. ugliest old f** you could ever meet and she got magda on that comedy show fast forward to set the whole thing up. well, people don’t find it funny setting up a child to look like a r***** and getting them abused by pedos. then trying to make out I was some murderer. get a grip of yourself. we don’t like you and that is that. now f*** off. I know they know ken who raped me. I know they were in on the plot to take me down. and my family don’t like them. I hate them.

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