12 years

its amazing how things seen different when a little light is placed on the subject! At one small lesson in art to be noted. the other of course is that of the enlightment period of history. prior to that the catholic church controlled all forms of knowledge. I myself having been baptized a catholic was flung out into the utmost outer orbit of the galaxy if not universe to deliver food on the table and more for those not so-less fortunate then myself. being the frenchy as I am and keeping much quiet (and believe me that was not hard given all the memory loss I had due to mr poop man and his attackers!) I can see the patterns of frustration and confusion that has eroded my paths to success. I am not happy or impressed by this event. I look upon my mother with a silent distain and evil eyed hatred. poop man is responsible as any other who wronged me. for his beloved catholic poopies who did not like me. so mr poopy man set about himself trying to undermine my character and witness everywhere I went. that was not hard for him because he had the help of Mr simple simon and a south American witch.

I can only hope that these catholic poopies get their fair share of s*** thrown at them and many find their wicca satanic abuse on me as a child of 3 being kidnaped at the circus and s******* abused for years during childhood, many see it as aberrant and abdominal. so I think mr poopy man and mr simple simon should have done to them what was done to me! fair is fair and so forth!!!! here is a big raspberry at you all PPPPPPBBBBBBAAAAPPPPPP!

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