12 years

I met this girl who shocked me she told me all about her childhood abuse and how her relatives were abusing her and they covered it up and got other people to abuse her. this kept going for her for years on-going abuse. she went on and on about how her older cousins masturbated her at the age of 4 and did cruel things to her infront of their sick friends at parties. she has never recovered from what they did to her. sometimes I see her in class when she does not know I am looking and I can see how the abuse has messed up her life. I feel sorry for her but there is little I can do for her. I am shocked at how her relatives have tried to make her look crazy and yet they are the ones who are so corrupt what they did her stealing her innocence.

she still remembers them touching her and it still upsets her to the point she has told me she has masturbated in her cupboard, m*********** objects and unable to function.

she feels so picked on by what they did to her. she says “I felt numb and like I was having a fit or like a frozen dumb brain at the age of 4” she said it made her feel backward and weak and does not understand why they did those things to her. the pain is with her and has messed up her life. while they are so cunning and manipulative and have destroyed her trust.

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