12 years

So there’s this girl I like, and I really think she’s a beautiful and nice girl. This may already sound like a boring and stereotypical confession to you, but it only gets better as it goes. But anyways, the truth first came out when I decided to let my sister know, thinking I could trust her at the time. I couldn’t. And she told a few of my friends, who luckily didn’t say anything further about it. As this crush went further and further, I began to like her more, seeing all the good things about her, like how nice she was, and how pretty she looked. It comes to find out, that one of best friends like her too. She talked to him more than she did me, and I started to get jealous, and lose hope that a relationship like this could pass. One day I was talking to her on facebook, trying to figure out if she liked him or not. She’s not the kind of person that talks a lot online, so it was something to eventually get her to talk some more. She admitted to me that she liked him a little, which I played along as if I supported it. Long story short, this friend of mine stopped liking her because she liked another friend of mine, leaving me short of her anyways. Also by this time, almost 5 more people knew about this crush, even her herself. It was an awkward time, the day she found out. Now as we talk today, we just pretend like she never heard what the truth was, even though deep inside, I still love her. My dream is, that one day, she will love me.

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