15 years

I am IN LOVE with my bestfriend who loves me just as her friend,iv tried to move on but i cant seem to do ,iv tried to let go of these powerful feelings that i had since i knew her and could no longer deny after kissing her,i dont want to risk our friendship cuz its simply the best thing that ever happend to me ,she keeps me holding into this life! sooo i try all the time but it gets extremly hard when she becomes close to me as i get hurt as i know she doesnot want me,,she never loved me and fallen for someone els just when i was about to to tell her she v told me ! you can only imajin how was it espacially that i had to see them togather .Although they have brocken up it breaked my heart to see her so sad,she cryed on my shoulder and i was crying cuz i was JEALOUS and it killed me that shes sad and fallin for someone that hurted her.now that shes over it or moved on i have NOT still ,i have to be silent and keep it to my self cuz its not what she wants and i really care and dont want her to loose her bestfriend,,what should i do!!!!

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