15 years

*muttering of some choice words* nowadays you can’t even get some personal space or alone time without people thinking that you are lazy, your up to no good, you going into a depression or that you just don’t do anything… I’ve been in a bad mood for a few days and people are giving me s*** for it, I mean damn I can’t be happy all the time. That’s just not normal…. I’m know I am a bad friend cuz I didn’t answer multiple phone calls from one of my best friend’s when she asked me if I was alive or dead. I feel the tremendous weight of ignoring her, I know that it could tear our friendship apart. I know I have issues and I know I like to keep things in and am unwilling to share my problems with other people. But damn I am working on it, and I got a few good people who listen. I just need my personal space, to give myself some time to breathe. To let myself mull over what has happened and what is going to happen. I hate making apologies and admitting that I am wrong. But I am going to do that, hopefully that will be enough and we can discuss why I left in the future. What to say?

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