• 4 years ago

I refer to the article” A child under the age of 18 cannot consent to s**, because the Law says that a person under the age of 18 “does not have the s***** maturity to know the difference between right and wrong and cannot consent” which I have been following with some interest.

You are correct in as much that the woman concerned can bring legal matters against the person who has molested her in the office, but that is rarely the case, because both the woman concerned and the man who is the perpetrator, are both employed by a company and it is against the company that any s***** misconduct would be instigated, because it is the companies responsibility to provide a safe workplace for all employees and when they fail to do so, it is against the company, that any criminal conduct matters will be made and any compensation paid to the woman concerned, which might bring in the appropriate Government Services to investigate this breach of a safe workplace for all and make sure that does not happen again.
It would probably be picked up by the news services and the conduct of this man made public, whereas the identity of the woman will be legally concealed, because she is both the molested and the victim of the man, who is the perpetrator and thus photographed and published for all to see, along with details of his crime and the sentence and punishment he receives, will be public knowledge, as a means to stop potentially, other similar cases from occurring and to have other women, in similar circumstances, able to put their hands up and receive legal dispensation against the company of their perpetrators, also and it sells papers and news time on TV.

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