• 4 years ago

Someone recently wrote something horrible about men on this website. I’d just like to say that men aren’t trash, that they aren’t all disgusting beings. And females aren’t all angels and the world wouldn’t be a better place if there were only women. Both men and women can be evil, mean, despicable. But they both can be kind-hearted, angelic, good. There are great men all around the world, ambitious men that are willing to improve our future, hard-working men that make society more comfortable for everybody, young boys that have many dreams, caring fathers, friends and brothers, and loving husbands and boyfriends. Many men in the past achieved great things that still have an impact on our lives : scientific discoveries, technological achievements, music, literature, art, architecture and so forth.

The same goes for women, just wanted to say that men aren’t monsters that deserve to die and women aren’t divine creatures that deserve more than men. Both men and women can be trash and both men and women can be amazing beings.

I am a woman and I hate sexism, whether it’s towards females or males. Let’s f****** grow up and stop blaming the opposite s** for everything bad that happens in our lives.

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