• 4 years ago

“I dOnT KnOW hoW I EnDed Up In tHe SituAtioN thAt I aM In”.

You ended up in that situation because Karma is a b****. Let’s run the f****** list now b****. Let’s see here; (1) you broke up a marriage and felt no guilt or remorse over it, (2) you’re a two faced c*** and act so nice and sweet to their face and trash them behind their backs (which is why I don’t f****** hang out with you anymore), and (3) you act like everything in the world is against you and nothing is ever your fault. With all this, and more, s*** that you’ve done and continue to do you whine about how unfair your f****** life is. YOU EXPECT ME TO JOIN IN YOUR PITY PARTY? B****, go f*** yourself. Enjoy life no having no friends because you treat people like s***.

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