3 weeks

Reposted to eliminate the asterisks.

I read about that juvenile rap ist who was allowed to return to school in Maryland after admitting and pleading guilty to two r a p e s.

He was indecently exposing himself and the school did nothing. He went on to commit two r a p e s. Still nothing is being done as the judge allowed him to return to class. I’m sure he sees the law as a joke.

He can indecently expose himself anytime he wants and go on to commit two r a p e s without consequences. This leaves the staff and all the students at risk. He’s getting special privilege because he’s a juvenile and because he’s Black.

Some people think that indecent exposure is not a serious crime. They say he’s just showing his co ck and balls. Indecent exposure is a prelude to more aggressive s e x crimes like r a p e. A boy who flaunts his co ck, balls and erection is likely to go on to commit s e x assaults including r a p e.

Indecent exposure is a gateway crime. It frightens and traumatizes the victims as the boy is using his co ck, balls and erection as a weapon to threaten young girls. Indecent exposure precedes s e x attacks and r a p e.

This juvenile rap ist should have been immediately taken to surgery and castrated. Cut off his Black balls and his Black ba l l s a c k and put them in a jar and pickle them.

The balls are the problem, pumping out testosterone. Cut them off and the problem is solved. Castrate, emasculate, de-ball, neuter, de-nut, and make him a gelding. De-glove his shaft, and cut the dorsal nerves to prevent any further erections.

Then he won’t have any balls to indecently expose and he won’t be getting anymore erections to display to the girls. He won’t be able to r a p e.

There’s no need to waste time going to court. There are cameras in the classrooms, hallways, gymnasium, lunch room, parking lots, sports field and etc. The video proves his actions. His castration should be public so the victims can attend and put it on video so boys can watch it and see what happens to boys who indecently expose themselves or r a p e.

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