3 weeks

Mother got a new co ck cage for me. This one is like a flat or dome lid shape and totally prevents any erections. I can feel my thing stiffen inside of me but the dome lid prevents it from expanding. The lid keeps it compressed inside me.

The old style cage allowed my co ck to stiffen up inside the cage so I could have an erection within the limits of the cage. It was easier to shower and wash with the old cage. I was also able to stick a Q-Tip in the cage to stimulate my co ck. Mother put a stop to that with this new dome lid that keeps it locked in place and flat so it doesn’t get erect.

She says she doesn’t want me getting in any trouble like other boys do, so she keeps my co ck locked up. The cage ring is right behind my balls and the dome lid is right in front of the ring. No room for any erection. I’m not allowed any stimulation or e**********.

She owns my co ck and has made me into like a e*****. She has the key and only takes it off to wash it and dry it. Then she clamps the lid down and locks it up tight.

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