1 month

I miss what we could have been, not what we were. You s***. You sucked. But there were still great times. We only liked each other because we were lonely. I think its the same for why we loved each other. Sometimes I miss him but I miss you the most. I miss talking to you until 4 am. I miss hanging out in the middle of nowhere for no reason. I don’t miss whatever you’ve become. Maybe he’s still in there, floating around. Maybe he’s gone forever. I wondered if you thought about me and apparently enough to do something as sick as that. Just say something. Anything. I am lonely. I know that. I have no one and nothing. And it’s my fault. But I am at peace. Say something riley. If you hate me that’s fine. If its a good bye that’s fine. But I don’t know what game you played, but you better finish it before I kill you.

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