2 months

My room-mate is so feminist and anti-male

My room-mate is so feminist and anti-male it is pathetic. She is all for the ‘me too movement’, exposing every instance of imagined s***** harassment on our college campus. She embarrasses random men by yelling at them to “not commit r*** or assault!”.

Last night she spent the evening with several of her “tribe” of rabid feminists watching a documentary on the “Epidemic of Campus R***”. She and her feminist friends agree that all men should be castrated.

She has an effeminate, submissive boyfriend. She keeps him locked in a co ck cage, which has proudly displayed to me, to prevent him from having erections or committing r***. She says she is going to put him on Depo-Provera. She repeatedly tells him, in front of me and her feminist tribe, that she is going to castrate him. She requires him to agree and he obediently says, Yes Ma’am. She holds his balls in one hand and a sharp knife in the other and shaves the hair off each ball. Her girlfriends watch in fascination.

Colleges and staff only encourage this paranoid behavior and irrational fear of r***. They also encourage the feminization and emasculation of males, many of whom eagerly cooperate. I wonder if there will be any real males left in a few years. If she stays with him, I’m sure she will cuckold him. She will want s** with a real male and not an effeminate sissy. Her effeminate cuck may make a good marriage partner but he won’t due for pregnancy and reproduction.

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