• 1 year ago

I will never understand men, guy’s who lean towards masculine women.

Women who wear tank tops, baseball hats, tattoos and do things like sports and hunting, carry themselves like men, cursing, swearing, picking fights.

I believe there’s some slight homosexual tendencies surrounding these men and yes there is something wrong with that.

I had a friend with benefits, near then end she was wearing this big old masculine lookin man’s watch. I thought it was her other boyfriends, but I’m pretty sure she was just a big fat dike. I ended up hating her, not just for that, I just hated her for what she was/is. I don’t even know what the f*** I ever saw.

I come from a family, my mother was very naturally feminin, loving, nurturing, a real woman, how women should be. I saw this more when we were young kids and my dad was a real masculine man. I inherited his big c***.

I see something seriously wrong in the head of people, especially people my age who are the opposite and they are married to these hideous monstrosities without even a hint of femininity. It’s like they’re mixed up. They’re upside down. Their north and south poles are flip flopped. Like if they had kids, there’s a good chance they’re queers. They could even be inbred witch fuk up their poles and makes everything including their kids s********, backwards.

That irritates me, especially if I genuinely hate them as people, with all their screwed up ways of being put aside. I just hate them as human beings.

Just a random though.

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