• 2 years ago

“How they try hard to always use cheats and excuses and vile ways and unfair advantages and even threats in a failed attempt to keep the fact that they’re far inferior”

It’s funny you should mention that trait the ugh, man hater. Are you sure you’re not my I’ll intent ex? See that’s a woman who left me, many years ago, and probably for the wrong reasons. They put a higher priority on things other than chemistry, attraction, love. They trade certain that it’s for other things. They put everything’s my on the scale, weigh it out and decide what their priorities are in a relationship. If it’s a woman who does not know how to feel “love” they are completely incapable, not that their psychopaths or anything like that, they are just simply incapable of romantic love. Then that is just not really a priority so something else more superficial would be a more important characteristic. Especially if it means maintaining what her daddy was able to give her. Most people do not want to take a step back in their lifestyle at any time. It need to be maintained or be better. It’s the old Rich Girl, Hall and Oates thing. Things like that trump things like “love” or how attracted you are to a person, physically or emotionally or whatever. I have a good sense of humour, I’m smart, I’m attractive, good looking, cool, I have good taste, but what’s that worth?

Actually it’s probably worth a lot and that’s the funny part about it. They a lot let someone is either of these traits go, after a close personal relationship with that person, for someone ne else who is not as good in that respect, possibly not even close, but in favor of other traits but without what the other person has, not on the same level anyway, for some people, I would imagine it’s difficult at times, especially further ahead when it’s too late, to look over at what you could have had in door number one be wise you see it, I imagine it’s a tough pill to swallow sometimes.

BUT to her credit too, when she left, I was a weak worthless piece of human garbage in many ways. No doubt. I can’t blame her for dropping me them lik a bag of bad dog s***. I know. God, I felt like human garbage and that’s part of what hurt me is I knew I was a worthless, hateful p************ at that time and I was definitely not attractive then. Disgusting. A loser. THEN. At that time. So yeah.

But the thing is I knew that, she was disgusted with me and I would not be able to turn her on for anything’s right now. I knew there was nothing thing in the world I could do at that point to make her suddenly become attracted to me like she was at one time. It was. Ot happening. Which motivated change. Which has been slow, and is still ongoing but I’m better than ever in my life at this point, right now. In many ways. That’s a fact. I was would be the first to know and admit if I wasn’t. So now, after some tim

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