• 2 years ago


One time I was getting worn out by some buck n***** at Cleos and who walked in but Florida local OJ motherfucking Simpson. OJ walks up taps the n***** wearing me out on the shoulder (it was Pringles Can Patrice if memory serves) and says “I GOT NEXT”.

So PCP busts and flops and I clean up with a few wipes and some hypoallergenic spray (that’s apart of what I call THE CORVALLUS DIFFERENCE™) and then I said “next!” Knowing the Juice was up next.

Orenthal was a total gentleman at first, being very polite and gentle while he inserted his Kenyan Kielbasa in my backpussy. But after a few pumps an animal came out and he started whooping it up and getting very free with the race based language and a** slapping. I enjoy race play so I was fine with it, often calling him the N word or saying things like I wished slavery never ended.

Eventually he finished and I asked him for his address. When I came by and presented him with the 2016 Jizzleman Trophy he said it was his proudest trophy since the Heisman.

Corvallis The Phallus Polisher

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