• 2 years ago

Right wingers are so stupid. 98% of the s*** that comes from their mouths is the same three jokes/phrases/buzzwords/etc farted out like some kind of npc. Like whenever someone/a company does anything they disagree with? “Wehhh go wronk go bronk” or some s***. They whine and complain about “cancel culture” “free speech” b*******. Free speech isn’t an excuse to be an a******.

Also they are always going on about how “it’s just a joke” “stop being offended snowflakes” etc but then they get offended when someone mocks them. Like if a south park episode were to mock biden, they would be like “haha lets go brandon xd lee owned le libz xd” but then if that same episode mocked trump they would go like “noo this show is too political and biased” and whine about how its offensive etc. and also most leftists hate joe biden too, cmon guys just say “f*** joe biden” you right wingnutty pussies if you’re all for the FREEZE PEACH stop censoring yourself with “lets go brandon” just say “fjb” lmao idiots.

If not being an obnoxious asswipe makes me a “woke sjw” or whatever then im a woke sjw

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