• 2 years ago

Learn to live alone and be comfortable that way. In other words don’t put any of your contentment or happiness into the hands of anyone but yourself.

And build yourself up in many ways to be an attractive person in many ways who basically doesn’t care about anything. I had a dude from the bank the other day get sarcastic with me about not saying “hello” or “how are you” before I jumped into my issue after being put on hold twice and already talking to a woman about what my issue was. At this point I’d been on hold for 25 minutes, after a day of work. I actually assumed this guy knew what I was calling. I laughed at his sarcasm but honestly didn’t really do give too much of a f*** about cordial pleasantries. Besides he’s a guy. What the f*** do I care? I laughed and jumped right into my issue. I don’t give a f*** “Mr at least $100,000 a year” and I don’t really give a f*** if you care about me and how I’m doing, fix what I’m telling you I want fixed….

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